Cento Amici dinner featured in ROI-NJ

At Cento Amici, education (and a Medal of Honor recipient) always are front and center

Like seemingly all Medal of Honor recipients, Col. Jack Jacobs is humble and unassuming. He’s funny, too.

That’s why, during a speech before scholarship winners last week at the 35th annual Cento Amici scholarship dinner and auction, Jacobs had everyone roaring with tales regarding his love of food, rather than seeking affirmation for his actions during the Vietnam War that make him a national hero.

Read more here: https://www.roi-nj.com/2023/10/09/education/at-cento-amici-education-and-a-medal-of-honor-winner-always-are-front-and-center/

Interview with Cento Amici member Jack Morris

‘We’ve just scratched the surface:’ Morris sees continued investments in workforce, property as Hard Rock marks five years in Atlantic City

June 28, 2023

By Joshua Burd, Real Estate NJ

Five years in, the work has only just begun for the team behind the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City.

That’s according to Jack Morris, the real estate magnate and co-owner of the boardwalk resort, who said the partnership plans to continue the types of investments that have defined the property since it opened in 2018. That includes everything from renovated suites and a new high-end lounge overlooking the Atlantic Ocean to an ongoing focus on rehabilitating and employing former nonviolent offenders in the city.

“That’s really what initially got us involved in Atlantic City — to see how we could help a city that was so important and iconic,” said Morris, the CEO of Edgewood Properties. “And just to be part of that revitalization is near and dear to my heart.”

Read more: https://re-nj.com/morris-sees-continued-investments-in-workforce-property-upgrades-as-hard-rock-marks-five-years-in-atlantic-city/

Cento Amici Chairman Robert Zito’s Guest Editorial in North Jersey

Discrimination in plain sight: College athletes on F-1 visas are missing out | Opinion

College athletes now have a well-deserved opportunity to earn money from their name, image and likeness.

Except for about 20,000 of them.

There are about 187,000 college athletes, of whom about 20,000 student-athletes are attending U.S. colleges on F-1 visas. Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Congress passed The Patriot Act, which forbids students from outside the United States from earning money while attending school, unless they are employed by their school and on campus.

You’re not going to get any arguments from me about strengthening national security. I was in the South Tower on 9/11, having coffee with a friend before the first plane hit the North Tower. By the time both planes hit, I was just three blocks away at the New York Stock Exchange.

Read the whole story here: https://www.northjersey.com/story/opinion/2023/04/13/college-athletes-f-1-visas-name-image-likeness-rules/70107139007/