General Frank Libutti Featured in NJBiz

From the Corps to the corner office: Former Marine finds business niche in pipelines, pharmaceuticals

It’s not every day that someone compares overseeing 80,000 U.S. Marines to running a project management and gas pipeline inspection firm in New Jersey. But for Frank Libutti, former U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General and current president and CEO of Renaissance Global Services, the two tasks have far more in common than most people can fathom, at least in principle.

“My experience in the Marine Corps was all about leading, coaching, mentoring and making good decisions based on input from the people around you,” he said. “And that’s the way I’ve done business. I have an open-door policy and try to listen hard to my employees and keep my eye on the ball in terms of what is my mission right now. My mission is to provide qualified people in support of pharmaceutical and utilities.”

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